
Planting the final tree on TREES ON LIBERTY celebration day, October 15th, 2016. Children planted with Dwight Gillins, assistant vice president of TD Bank, Market Street Poughkeepsie branch (right) and George Profous, DEC senior forester (left).

Last spring, the City of Newburgh received a $20,000 TD Green Streets grant from TD Bank and the Arbor Day Foundation. The grant was submitted by City of Newburgh Conservation Advisory Council (CAC) members Kippy Boyle and Deborah Dresser and came to fruition with TREES ON LIBERTY, a tree planting event/celebration in October.treesonlibertyenglishTrees on Liberty made possible the planting of 25 trees in a six block neighborhood in the historic Washington Heights district of the City of Newburgh,” Dresser says. “That was a great victory. But the greatest accomplishment was the community that was energized around trees. Something new, good, and wholesome was happening and the neighbors were proud to be a part of it.”

In addition to providing for trees, the grant also supported the purchase of a new City water truck.


As part of TREES ON LIBERTY, neighborhood kids participated in an art conservation project.


Bags and water jugs were provided to residents who are caring for the new tree in front of their home.


Small-maturing trees were selected for sites under utility wires.


TREES ON LIBERTY celebration cake