Meet Lauryn Tabolt, a Hobart & William Smith junior who worked in the Watertown Planning Department this summer on tree care with Planning & Community Development Director Mike Lumbis and Planner (and Council Board Member) Mike DeMarco, who wrote this about Lauryn’s vital work during a hot, dry summer:

“Lauryn has been working hard to protect young trees from succumbing to drought stress by watering them on weekly and rotational cycles. Lauryn cared for and supported over 300 young trees planted over the past few years as well as individual larger trees as needed. She played a key role in the City’s 2020 Ash Tree Treatment Project by watering all 58 recently treated ash trees which assisted uptake of chemical pesticide throughout the tree … even during a drought!

An emergency late season tree transplant provided the opportunity for Lauryn to take part in the transplanting procedure as well as having own her spot on the construction site to water daily to ensure the survival of “Oakey” (named by Lauryn), the transplanted bur oak (Quercus macrocarpa).”

You can see a video series of Lauryn in her words on the NYSUFC YouTube Channel and on our Instagram page. ?