Upcoming NYSDEC ReLeaf Webinars
Public trees and public health – May 11 Webinar, 12pm – 1:15pm
A growing body of scientific research suggests that abundant trees and green space in communities provides important benefits for human health and well-being. The Green Heart Project in Louisville, Kentucky is one of the largest, long-term initiatives in the U.S. to plant many trees and conduct controlled research on physical and mental health in Louisville. Join us on May 11 for an overview of the Green Heart Project with a presentation from members of the project team at the University of Kentucky
Registration is free but required in advance at: https://meetny.webex.com/meetny/onstage/g.php?MTID=e9279ca6af6040513004639aa145a2982
Telling your story: the power of storytelling in grant applications – May 18 Webinar, 12pm – 1:15pm
Telling the story of the projects you want to bring to life is a critical component of grant applications that many struggle with. Join us to hear about the Arbor Day Foundations T.R.E.E. proposals which use community stories to find donors for projects, and about two successful local case studies in the communities of Mamaroneck and Newburgh
Registration is free but required in advance at: https://meetny.webex.com/meetny/onstage/g.php?MTID=e7baeff8e66df2e4efce36baf2f0f4f8b