NYSDEC Urban and Community Forestry Program Coordinator Gloria VanDuyne highlighted some of the 168 Tree City USA communities in New York State, along with 23 Tree Campus Higher Education designees, and 5 Tree Line USA utilities in DEC’s March 17th online celebration. Seventeen NYS communities also received Tree City USA Growth Awards in 2021.

The three feature presentations–from Clarkson University, Orange & Rockland Utilities, and Eveline Feldmann/Mount Vernon–were excellent; you can see them by viewing the recording of the event.

Clarkson University Assistant Director of Sustainability Alex French highlighted the many efforts that have sprung forth since Clarkson achieved Tree Campus Higher Education status. These include designating areas of the campus for rewilding; involving students more extensively in research, field work, and land management; EAB treatment in key areas; and inventorying not just the trees in cultivated areas but in the forested areas as well. 

DEC Urban and Community Forestry Partnership Coordinator Christina McLaughlin served ably as the event’s technical host, and DEC Environmental Education Assistant Matt Viglucci, who coordinates Tree City, Tree Campus Higher Ed, and Tree Line USA for the State, created the jazzy slideshow that opened the celebration.

ORU Utility Forester Allison Kleinberger’s interesting presentation included how the utility used Superstorm Sandy data to determine how far back from power lines ORU needed to remove dead or dying ash trees to prevent future power storm-induced outages. 


Mount Vernon Tree Advisory Board Chairwoman Eveline Feldmann (above) shared the compelling story of how a group of dynamic citizens got organized to create a tree ordinance and revive tree advisory functions after a biodiverse woodland parcel was removed without citizen input. “Along the way, many lifelong friendships were formed,” Eveline said. 🌳