The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service is making $1 million available via its 2021 Urban and Community Forestry Challenge Cost Share Grant Program.

Applications Due: April 16, 2021

Eligible Entities: city or township governments, county governments, and others

The USDA Forest Service Urban & Community Forestry (U&CF) Program restores, sustains, and manages more than 140 million acres of urban and community forest lands for the benefit of communities in the United States. Increasingly, urban and community forests are facing threats such as insects, diseases, extreme weather events and other hazards. Additionally, the lack of investment in urban forest disaster mitigation is contributing to community disasters such as urban flooding and human heat deaths in our cities– disproportionately affecting vulnerable populations. New systemic solutions are needed to create and enhance green infrastructure in the right place and at the right scale and encompass pressing social, economic, ecological, and historic factors holistically.

Grants fall into two meta categories: (1) Increasing resiliency of urban forests through reforestation and management and (2) planning disaster mitigation strategies for urban forests.

The first step is to connect with your Forest Service Regional coordinator (a requirement of the grant). For help with that, contact [email protected].

For more information about the grant, visit