Dr. Adrina Bardekjian and Liza Paqueo are fabulous speakers and facilitators.

The monthly discussion series, “Where Women Choose to Walk: Paths to improving cities and nature,” is open to everyone at no cost. Participants are from diverse cultural and economic backgrounds ranging from the global north and global south, working in various sectors of urban environment and natural resource management including: forestry (urban and rural), mining, watershed, disaster, conservation, eco-tourism, stewardship, and more.

Please join them on March 8th for their next episode of “Where Women Choose to Walk: Paths to Improving Cities and Nature.” In celebration of International Women’s Day, this discussion will focus on motherhood in all its glory and struggles; topics include work-life-family balance; careers and workplace policies for support; identity shifts and cultural contentions; raising environmentally-inspired children; and alternative livelihoods during the pandemic.

They are looking forward to your joining the discussion!
Topic: Motherhood in Urban Natural Resources
Time: Mar 8, 2021 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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