
14 07, 2023

2 Engagement Session Opportunities Next Week!

By |2023-07-14T09:43:55-04:00July 14th, 2023|Categories: Advocacy, Climate Change, Environmental Justice|Comments Off on 2 Engagement Session Opportunities Next Week!

National Environmental Justice Community Engagement Call EPA invites Environmental Justice (EJ) advocates to participate in the next  National Environmental Justice Community Engagement Call taking place on Tuesday, July 18, 2023, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. (Eastern Time). These calls are free and open to the public. Register to [...]

6 09, 2022

What’s in the Inflation Reduction Act for Urban and Community Forests?

By |2022-09-06T14:32:14-04:00September 6th, 2022|Categories: Advocacy, Funding, USFS|Tags: , , |0 Comments

The NYSUFC was one of the signatories to a letter to Congress in support of the urban and community forestry related funding within the Inflation Reduction Act. Here's an except from the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) press release that breaks down how the money will be allocated. [...]

20 06, 2019

David Moore’s Advice to Budding Urban Foresters

By |2019-06-20T13:41:50-04:00June 20th, 2019|Categories: Advocacy, Awards, Municipal Forestry Insitute, NYC, Organizational News|Tags: , , , |4 Comments

David guest speaking for an urban forestry class at SUNY-ESF (College of Environmental Science & Forestry). Seven Considerations for Budding Urban Foresters   By David Moore, Senior Tree Supervisor, City of Oakland, California Photos Courtesy David Moore NYSUFC Past President (2015-2017) David Moore, 34, is [...]

16 06, 2019

Federal Policy/Funding Update from Sustainable Urban Forests Coalition

By |2019-06-16T13:43:52-04:00June 16th, 2019|Categories: Advocacy, Funding|Tags: |0 Comments

  The Sustainable Urban Forests Coalition (SUFC) is doing superbly effective advocacy work to ensure that urban forestry is adequately funded on a federal level. Check out their updated website, a fact sheet about who they are and what they do; and the following funding policy update. [...]

27 04, 2018

Federal Urban Forestry Policy & Funding Update

By |2018-04-27T05:30:51-04:00April 27th, 2018|Categories: Advocacy, Funding|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Courtesy Sustainable Urban Forests Coalition (SUFC) Testimony Submitted for FY 19 Budget The SUFC Policy Working Group recently submitted testimony to the House and Senate Interior Appropriations Subcommittees urging support and funding for U.S. Forest Service, EPA, and National Park Service programs related to urban forests. The Working Group also submitted testimony to [...]

27 03, 2018

2018 Omnibus Bill Contains Good News for our Urban Forests

By |2018-03-27T05:42:16-04:00March 27th, 2018|Categories: Advocacy, Funding|Tags: |0 Comments

Calls, emails, letters, and in-person visits to federal legislators by advocates for Urban and Community Forestry have paid off! You'll recall President Trump's proposed FY 18 Budget zeroed out funding for UCF. Citizens and UCF advocacy groups sprung into action to educate our representatives in Congress about [...]

17 02, 2018

An Important Book for this Challenging Moment

By |2018-02-17T12:27:33-05:00February 17th, 2018|Categories: Advocacy, Funding, History|Tags: , , |0 Comments

As mentioned in the previous post, Jill Jonnes’s heralded 2016 book, Urban Forests: A Natural History of Trees and People in the American Cityscape, is a key resource for educating and inspiring ourselves, our fellow citizens, and our legislators as we seek to protect our urban forests. Here’s a review. [...]

17 02, 2018

President Trump’s FY19 Federal Budget Cuts UCF to Zero

By |2018-02-17T10:11:10-05:00February 17th, 2018|Categories: Advocacy, Funding|0 Comments

Even as the FY18 federal budget picture for UCF is unclear, President Trump's FY19 proposed budget zeroes out urban and community forestry. We who treasure this world of endeavor--urban forestry--are charged with communicating its value (economic and intangible) to our legislators, and to do so year-round. We can [...]

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