The Sustainable Urban Forests Coalition (SUFC) is doing superbly effective advocacy work to ensure that urban forestry is adequately funded on a federal level. Check out their updated website, a fact sheet about who they are and what they do; and the following funding policy update. Special thanks to SUFC Policy Working Group Co-Chairs Rebecca Turner of American Forests and Danielle Watson from the Society of American Foresters.

Policy Update from SUFC 

U&CF FY2020 Allocated at $40M

It’s budget hearing season on the Hill and we’ve got great news! The House Interior Appropriations subcommittee (which oversees U&CF) allocated $40 million for the U&CF program! The additional $12.395 million is to address pest outbreaks (for Urban and Community Forestry to prevent and address pest outbreaks [like Emerald Ash Borer], improve forest sustainability, combat climate change, and assist with reforestation efforts). Read more HERE.

The SUFC Policy committee is meeting with Senate Interior Approps this month to support similar language and numbers in the Senate version of the Interior Approps bill.

SUFC Submits FY 2020 Budget Testimony

SUFC submitted testimony to the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration and Related Agencies on the budget for APHIS programs that help prevent the introduction and spread of invasive pests in the nation’s forests. SUFC also submitted testimony to the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies urging support for the Urban and Community Forestry program and other related programs. Additionally, we’ve also been receiving increased interest on urban forests from various offices on the Hill, particularly in relation to how urban forests can impact climate change.