

Onondaga Tree Planting Includes ROW Sites in Dewitt

Volunteers powered 2017 fall bare root tree planting in municipalities across Onondaga County. Photos Courtesy CCE Onondaga County From Clare Carney, Natural Resource Educator for CCE Onondaga County: This year, as part of an Onondaga County Community Development Block Grant, CCE Onondaga worked with multiple municipalities to coordinate [...]

By |November 27th, 2017|Categories: Cornell Cooperative Extension, Funding, Tree Planting|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Up With Trees! SMA Tulsa Conference Highlights

Up with Trees headquarters in Tulsa. Photo: upwithtrees.org Recently, Council members such as Past President Andy Hillman, Secretary Steve Harris, Board Member James Kaechele, and myself (Blog Editor Michelle Sutton) attended the Annual Conference of the Society of Municipal Arborists (SMA). It was held November 13-14, 2017 in [...]

Amynthas Worms Addendum

Cornell Cooperative Extension just came out with a helpful bulletin about Amynthas worms. It includes images showing how to tell apart invasive European worms and the more damaging Amynthas worms, and advice on how to prevent their spread. Limited research on potential predators to hope control this pest shows that Eastern red centipedes [...]

How NYC ReLeaf Gets it Done: Effective Advocacy for the Federal UCF Budget

Numbers represent the respective US Congressional Districts. Twelve federal congressmen and women cover the five boroughs of NYC. Thank you to NYC ReLeaf Planning Committee Member Nancy Wolf and NYC ReLeaf Committee Co-chair and NYSUFC Board Member Andrew Newman for sharing this account with us.  Along with ReLeaf groups and [...]

By |November 8th, 2017|Categories: Advocacy, Funding|Tags: |0 Comments
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Our Mission

New York State’s Urban Forestry program is a partnership of public, private, and volunteer organizations and individuals that fosters comprehensive planning, management, and education throughout New York to create a healthy urban and community forest and enhance quality of life.

Image at the top of this page:
Central Park, NYC by Carlos Alcazar

Contact Us

NYS Urban Forestry Council
121 State Street
Albany NY, 12207

[email protected]

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