New York ReLeaf is made up of nine regional committees and overseen by the NYSDEC Urban and Community Forestry Program in partnership with our Council. ReLeaf brings together tree care professionals, municipal staff, utility arborists, state and local government officials, educators, tree board members, and interested members of the public in support of urban forestry across the State.

The ReLeaf program promotes the value of trees, proper tree care, and sound urban forest management practices by connecting communities to technical expertise, information and resources, training, and potential funding sources that will help them meet their local needs and maintain and improve their urban forests.

ReLeaf Chainsaw Safety workshop. Photo by Christina McLaughlin

ReLeaf committees provide technical expertise and support through regional workshops, webinars, the annual ReLeaf Conference (held in a different DEC Region each year), Arbor Day events, and more. Interested in getting involved with your regional ReLeaf committee? Email [email protected] with your county and area(s) of interest and DEC staff will connect you to your regional ReLeaf co-chairs.

To keep up with the DEC Urban and Community Forestry program, sign up for the DEC Delivers: Forest, Plants, and Land Conservation e-newsletter and see the Urban and Community Forestry program page and upcoming activities page to learn about future workshops and events.

We at the Council are extremely proud to be in partnership with the dynamic Urban and Community Forestry Program team at DEC.

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NYS Urban Forestry Council
121 State Street
Albany NY, 12207

[email protected]

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