Nancy Wolf and supporters

NYSUFC Founder Nancy Wolf received an Urban Forestry Award in honor of her many contributions to our field. Current NYS Urban and Community Forestry Program Coordinator Mary Kramarchyk (left) was joined by two former Program Coordinators–Peter Innes and Peter Frank (to Nancy’s left)–who turned out to support their colleague and friend Nancy and by DEC Forester Greg Owen (second from left), with Program Assistant Sally Kellogg at right.       Congrats, Nancy!

Hosted by NYS DEC, the 11th annual Tree City/Line/Campus USA Recognition Ceremony was held on March 30, 2016 in Albany. These programs were created by the Arbor Day Foundation and the National Association of State Foresters to recognize the stewardship of urban forests by communities. New York State has 108 Tree City USAs, 6 Tree Line USA utilities, and 18 Tree Campus USAs. A complete list of all New York Tree City USA and Tree Campus communities is posted on DEC’s website at

This was New York’s biggest ceremony yet, with communities from all of the nine DEC regions attending. One of the highlights was when NYSUFC founder Nancy Wolf was recognized with an Urban Forestry Award for being so pivotal in starting the urban forestry movement in our State.

West Point new Tree Campus USA

West Point celebrated 18 years as a Tree City USA.

St John's Tree Campus USA 5th year

St. John’s University enters its 6th year as a Tree Campus USA. Congrats!

Albany hosts

Sally Kellogg and Mary Kramarchyk flank Albany City Forester Tom Pfeiffer, DEC Deputy Commissioner Kathy Moser, and Albany Mayor Kathy Sheehan. Albany received its Tree City USA recognition once again, and Deputy Commissioner Moser and Mayor Sheehan welcomed the award ceremony attendees.

Tuxedo park new Tree City USA

Tuxedo Park is honored for becoming a new Tree City USA.

Warwick new Tree City USA

Great things are happening in Warwick’s young urban forestry program, including becoming a Tree City USA for the first time!