This webinar is hosted by Southern Adirondack ReLeaf and is free and open to all.

10/28 9 AM Southern Adirondack ReLeaf – Building and maintaining your healthy community forest

Registration Link:

Join NY ReLeaf for a webinar on building and maintaining your healthy community forest! Starting a new program or maintaining a fledgling program to care for your community trees on streets and in parks can be a challenge. Join us to learn about the steps to becoming a Tree City USA, the different kinds of awards, and the benefits of becoming a Tree City USA, how to find and apply for funding for your program, and a forest health update! The southern Adirondacks have had several notable outbreaks this year of invasive species that threaten trees – including Hemlock wooly adelgid and emerald ash borer. Preparing early to manage these threats can be key to keeping your community forest healthy! ISA and CNLP credits pending.

  • Becoming a Tree City USA – Andréa Nieves, Education assistant and Tree City Coordinator, Urban Forestry Program, NYS DEC
  • Finding and preparing for grants – Christina McLaughlin, Partnership coordinator, Urban Forestry Program, NYS DEC
  • Forest health update – Rob Cole, Forester, Invasive species and forest health, NYS DEC