$6 million in grants is available to help communities facing environmental justice challenges and address environmental concerns. The latest round of Environmental Justice Community Impact Grants is the largest amount offered to date and is supported by the State’s Environmental Protection Fund as part of New York’s ongoing efforts to assist communities disproportionately burdened by environmental pollution.
Community-based organizations can apply to receive up to $100,000 in funding for projects that address environmental and public health concerns of residents in impacted neighborhoods.
Eligible community-based organizations are:
- located in Potential Environmental Justice Areas;
- groups serving the residents of an area equal to or smaller than a county outside of New York City or an area equal to or smaller than one of New York City’s five boroughs; and
- organizations with total annual revenue of less than $3 million.
Projects must address a community’s exposure to multiple environmental harms and risks and include a new research component that will be used to expand the knowledge of the affected community.
Further organization and location eligibility requirements can be found in the Grant Opportunity Portal.
Applicants are required to register and prequalify in the Grants Gateway by the application deadline for their application to be considered. Once registered organizations can apply for the grant while waiting on their document vault to become prequalified.
The deadline to submit applications is 3 p.m. EST on July 26, 2023. For a complete list of guidelines and more information, contact DEC’s Office of Environmental Justice at 518-402-8556, [email protected], or online at DEC’s Environmental Justice webpage.