

ReLeafers Meet in Newburgh for Pruning Workshop & Green Infrastructure Tour

Pound Ridge Conservation Board Chair Ellen Grogan practices structural pruning on a young tree with instruction from DEC Region 3 Senior Forester George Profous at a NY ReLeaf workshop and tour in Newburgh. Photo by Gloria Van Duyne On Friday, September 30, 2022, NY ReLeaf Region 3 hosted [...]

By |October 4th, 2022|Categories: Arboriculture, NY ReLeaf, ReLeaf Workshops, Volunteers|Tags: , |0 Comments

Urban Forestry Fundamentals, Part 3: Roots Grow Like Plates, Not Mirrors. How to Protect Them.

A pervasive misconception of root growth is shown above right: that roots grow as a mirror reflection of the canopy. Most species grow as depicted above left: large, shallow plates of mostly fine roots extending well beyond the canopy. Illustrations by Larry Decker Story by Michelle Sutton The Rhizotron Has [...]

By |September 26th, 2022|Categories: Arboriculture, Urban Horticulture Institute|0 Comments

Urban Forestry Fundamentals, Part 2: Think like an Urban Forester when Selecting Trees  

Mountain laurel (Kalmia latifolia) thriving on the property? The soil is likely acidic. Story and photos by Michelle Sutton In Part I we saw how urban stresses on trees, while particularly grievous along city streets, are present to varying degrees in our parks and home landscapes, too. Urban [...]

Urban Forestry Fundamentals, Part 1: Concepts and Terms

Sugar maples (Acer saccharum) and other street trees planted in the tree lawn in Pine Plains, NY. Part 1 introduces Urban Forestry concepts and terms. Part II covers why and how to think like an urban forester when selecting and caring for trees. Written by Michelle Sutton  Broadening [...]

The Ultimate Urban Forestry Resources Page …

... is here at NYSUFC! Benefits of Trees and Urban Forests Climate Change Environmental Justice Grants Invasive Plants, IPM, Pests, and Diseases Municipal Certifications Professional Organizations State and Local Assistance Tools and Training Tree Boards & Tree Ordinances  Tree Identification Tree Inventories & Urban Forest Management Plans Tree Profiles: Underutilized [...]

Tulip Tree & Tupelo Groves: Recommended Reading

In the September/October 2022 issue of City Trees, the magazine produced by the Society of Municipal Arborists (SMA), Washington Square Park Eco Projects Director Georgia Silvera Seamans published a superb story, "Tulip Tree among the Oaks: Notes on My Favorite Forest Tree." And in the May/June 2022 issue of City [...]

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Our Mission

New York State’s Urban Forestry program is a partnership of public, private, and volunteer organizations and individuals that fosters comprehensive planning, management, and education throughout New York to create a healthy urban and community forest and enhance quality of life.

Image at the top of this page:
Central Park, NYC by Carlos Alcazar

Contact Us

NYS Urban Forestry Council
121 State Street
Albany NY, 12207

[email protected]

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