Saturday’s keynote speaker, Andrew Revkin (pictured here with his partner, Lisa) brought an international perspective and images in his talk, “Forest Lessons in a Changing Climate.” Revkin is a celebrated environmentalist and musician who, fortunately for us, lives in the Hudson Valley.
Davey Resource Group Urban Forester/Project Developer Sophia Rodbell serves on the Council Board and volunteered at ReLeaf registration.
Just a mile or so from Mount Saint Mary College is the lovingly designed and coneflower-filled national historic site of the storied Balmville Tree, a cottonwood (Populus deltoides) that was 316 years old when it became too hazardous to the public to stand.
In her presentation, USFS Climate Change Specialist Dr. Leslie Brandt laid out the changes we can expect in hardiness zone, invasive plant and pest pervasiveness, etc–but also how we can plan for and adapt to those change, such as creating novel ecosystems. She and her team created workbooks and other practical resources that can be found at
National Weather Service Hydrologist David Vallee used dynamic slides to accompany his talk, “Climate Trends in New York State and Their Impact on Flood Frequency.”
Jane Raffaldy from NYSDEC Forests and Lands volunteered at ReLeaf registration.
Jen Rubbo is the Manager of the Environmental Cooperative at Vassar Barns, Vassar College. She presented on a project in collaboration with the City of Poughkeepsie Shade Tree Commission in which Vassar students were paid to inventory ash trees in Poughkeepsie to establish their conditions vis a vis Emerald Ash Borer. That data was analyzed and mapped for use by municipal officials going forward.