10/16 9 AM Central NY ReLeaf
Municipal tree ordinances and associated management implications
Registration Link: https://meetny.webex.com/meetny/onstage/g.php?MTID=e8e1e51ae31e7f628a4068f1a3edf1644
Join NY ReLeaf’s Central NY Region for an urban forestry webinar on municipal tree ordinances. Tree ordinances are a core part of a community’s urban forestry program but writing and updating ordinances can be a challenge. Join us to learn tips and techniques to write your first ordinance or update an existing one to help your community on its path to a strong urban forestry program.
- Jeanne Grace, ISA Certified Arborist, City of Ithaca, “Creating a tree ordinance for large Development Projects” Ithaca has recently improved their Site Plan Review Ordinance which regulates how trees are addressed in the planning and development of a site. Jeanne will discuss the process of updating their ordinance and challenges and lessons from along the way
- Jim Maloney, ISA Certified Arborist, National Grid, “How we can use Mary Shelby’s Frankenstein to build our first tree ordinance” Jim will discuss methods to expeditiously guide the process of building a tree ordinance and provide recommendations to avoid pitfalls and have a smoother process to declaring “It’s alive!”
- Laura Ayers, esq., will give an over view of the legal concerns that municipal infrastructure, easements, and managing urban trees can lead, and what to keep in mind when writing or updating a tree ordinance