The Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Division of Lands and Forests Urban and Community Forestry (UCF) Program is pleased to announce available funding for tree planting in disadvantaged communities after ash tree loss. The purpose is to replace and increase long-lived tree canopy in these areas. Healthy community forests provide a host of environmental, economic and social benefits including stormwater capture, cooling through shade and evapotranspiration, wildlife habitat, and improved public health.
$350,000 is available to qualifying government entities, Indian nations or tribes, and not-for-profit organizations in New York State (NYS). Applicants in communities with more than 65,000 people may apply for up to $75,000 and others may apply for up to $50,000. There is no match required for this grant and applications will be evaluated on a rolling basis in the order received until available funds are exhausted. Applicants will be required to meet minimum planting standards for UCF grants and provide a 5-year maintenance plan. For the complete eligibility requirements and project description, please read the Request for Applications (RFA) on Grants Gateway * by searching for “TPDC.” (*Note: This link should be live by Thursday afternoon, 12/1.)
DEC’s Urban and Community Forestry Program works to increase public awareness of the importance of trees and healthy community forests and provides technical assistance to communities to help them develop their own community forestry programs. Funding for this 2-year grant comes from the U.S. Forest Service and National Association of State Foresters through the State Urban Forest Resilience Grant, and from the NYS Environmental Protection Fund (EPF).
This grant opportunity is separate and distinct from the regular rounds of DEC UCF grants. Eligible entities may apply for this grant AND Round 16 of the UCF grants which is expected to be released in early 2023. For more info please see the Urban and Community Forestry Grants page * of the NYSDEC. (*Note: RFA link mentioned above should be live by Thursday afternoon, 12/1.) 🌳