

Support Lori Brockelbank’s Fourth Tour des Trees to Benefit the TREE Fund

Lori Brockelbank (second from left) with fellow NYS riders. Photo by R. Jeanette Martin October 9-15, 2016, cyclists will experience a week of unforgettable scenery, cycling and camaraderie as the Tour des Trees rolls through the Piedmont region of North and South Carolina, starting and ending in Charlotte, [...]

By |August 31st, 2016|Categories: Research, Tree Planting|Tags: , , |0 Comments

NYSDEC Urban Forestry Intern Jennifer Kotary: Get to Know Her!

In 2016, NYSDEC Urban Forestry Program Coordinator Mary Kramarchyk mentored her second summer intern, Jennifer Kotary. “The goal of the internship is to expose and recruit forestry students into the world of urban forestry,” Kramarchyk says. “Jennifer’s excellent technical and communication skills helped her fit right into DEC’s program. She [...]

Rochester’s Urban Forest Master Plan

Calling all Master Plans! Rochester City Forester and NYSUFC Executive Committee Member Brian Liberti shares the following intro from the most recent Rochester Urban Forest Master Plan. You can also see Ithaca’s Urban Forest Master Plan here. We’d like to collect as many UF Master Plans from around the State [...]

By |August 18th, 2016|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , |0 Comments

WNY CommuniTREE Stewardship Program Completes Inaugural Training

Inaugural group of WNY CommuniTREE Stewards in spring of 2016. Photo by John Choczynski By Lori Brockelbank, NYSUFC Treasurer and Certified Arborist/Municipal Specialist, Wendel Companies The first-ever Western NY CommuniTREE Stewardship Program instruction has come to a close for most of the participants, but the learning and experience [...]

Bronx River Alliance & Partners to Restore Bronx River Forest

The beautiful 23-mile Bronx River. Photo Courtesy Natural Areas Conservancy This story comes to us from Bronx River Alliance Deputy Director Maggie Greenfield and Natural Areas Conservancy Communications and Public Outreach Manager Nicole Brownstein.  The Bronx River has seen its fair share of history. It was first called [...]

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Our Mission

New York State’s Urban Forestry program is a partnership of public, private, and volunteer organizations and individuals that fosters comprehensive planning, management, and education throughout New York to create a healthy urban and community forest and enhance quality of life.

Image at the top of this page:
Central Park, NYC by Carlos Alcazar

Contact Us

NYS Urban Forestry Council
121 State Street
Albany NY, 12207

[email protected]

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