

NYS DEC Cost-Share Grants: The Trees New York Example

Advanced Citizen Pruners, trained and supervised by Trees New York, working their magic in East Harlem, NYC. Photos Courtesy Trees New York The NYC-based environmental and urban forestry nonprofit organization, Trees New York, has trained Citizen Pruners since 1976. In light of so many years of success—including mentoring [...]

Five Branches of Transplanting Success & a Deeper Look at “Fall Hazards”

See also the 2022 post: Fall Planting, Bare Root & Container Considerations, and a More Nuanced Look at "Fall Hazards" B&B trees dug properly—i.e., when dormant. Photo by Matthew Stephens Story by Matthew Stephens and Michelle Sutton    The nursery industry is reluctant to dig certain species of [...]

Developing Creative Community Forestry Partnerships

https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=88&v=jCXvVojdtR0 Community partnerships and effective urban forestry branding and marketing: we can learn from our sister states’ approaches. Here, Vice President of Public Relations at CEL Kari Logan talks about the Kentucky Roots campaign of the Northern Kentucky Urban & Community Forestry Council and gives suggestions for “Developing Creative Community [...]

Bare Root & UHI Webinars Update

Thanks to Nina Bassuk’s research and extension efforts in bare root transplanting technology, tens of thousands of trees have been planted in New York and the greater Northeast that would otherwise not have been. In 2014 alone, 8800 bare root trees were purchased by 93 municipalities across 11 states from [...]

The Story of the Urban Forest Strike Teams

The Urban Forest Strike Teams (UFSTs) are a means for city foresters, state foresters, commercial arborists, and others to quickly come to the aid of a region whose urban forest has been impacted by a natural disaster. Here’s the backstory.  Team Specialists discuss tree loss (and near miss!) with [...]

By |September 17th, 2015|Categories: Innovative Projects and Programs|Tags: , , |1 Comment

Bassuk, Luley, and Nowak Receive Awards at ISA Orlando

Chris Luley accepting his R.W. Harris Author's Citation Award, granted to authors for sustained excellence in the publication of timely information pertaining to the field of arboriculture. In early August, at the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) Annual International Conference and Trade Show in Orlando, Florida, three of [...]

By |September 8th, 2015|Categories: Awards|Tags: , , |0 Comments
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Our Mission

New York State’s Urban Forestry program is a partnership of public, private, and volunteer organizations and individuals that fosters comprehensive planning, management, and education throughout New York to create a healthy urban and community forest and enhance quality of life.

Image at the top of this page:
Central Park, NYC by Carlos Alcazar

Contact Us

NYS Urban Forestry Council
121 State Street
Albany NY, 12207

[email protected]

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