

Facts for Your Call and/or Letter this Week

#SaveOurUrbanForests For your calls and letters to your U.S. Congressperson (http://www.house.gov/representatives/find) this week, here are some facts about how federal UCF dollars were used in New York State in 2016: --NYS UCF statewide overall funding for 2016 (that goes to zero if the federal budget for UCF is not restored): [...]

By |July 10th, 2017|Categories: Advocacy|0 Comments

All Hands on Deck! Free Webinar about the Federal Budget for UCF

Please register for Time for Action: The President's Budget for Urban & Community Forestry on Jul 12, 2017 12:00 PM CDT at:  https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/5965782250515900162 It is no secret that these are tough times for Urban & Community Forestry at the Federal budget level. Join us for this webinar to learn what is really going on, [...]

By |July 6th, 2017|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Save Our Urban Forests: Write a Letter to the Editor

This week, please consider writing a letter to the editor of your town and/or region’s papers about the importance of urban forestry funding. Check your paper’s letter to the editor guidelines for length and how to submit (it’s usually simple and straightforward–and editors are eager for well-written letters!) Here’s sample [...]

By |July 4th, 2017|Categories: Advocacy|0 Comments

Grand Island Celebrates First-Ever Arbor Day

  With the aid of an Arbor Day grant administered by the NYSUFC, the Town of Grand Island in Erie County held its first-ever Arbor Day Celebration on April 29, 2017. About 40 people attended, including Girl Scout Daisies and Brownies. Senior Girl Scout Gillian Worrall (second from left in [...]

By |July 3rd, 2017|Categories: Arbor Day, Grants, Youth|0 Comments

Tree Planted in Honor of 2017 Arbor Day Poster Contest Winner

2017 Arbor Day poster contest winner Sarah Werner from Warwick Valley Middle School with NYSDEC Urban Forestry Partnerships Coordinator Sally Kellogg. The artwork of Sarah Werner, a fifth-grader at Warwick Valley Middle School, was selected as the official NYS 2017 Arbor Day poster after winning the statewide contest [...]

By |July 3rd, 2017|Categories: Arbor Day, Youth|Tags: , |0 Comments
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Our Mission

New York State’s Urban Forestry program is a partnership of public, private, and volunteer organizations and individuals that fosters comprehensive planning, management, and education throughout New York to create a healthy urban and community forest and enhance quality of life.

Image at the top of this page:
Central Park, NYC by Carlos Alcazar

Contact Us

NYS Urban Forestry Council
121 State Street
Albany NY, 12207

[email protected]

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